United we’re stronger
It fell like a hammer blow. Printing presses, traffic and dreams came to sudden stop. A global pandemic had arrived. After a few days of chaos and absolute confusion, at RestArts Studio we realised we could not let this stop us. It was time to make a move and get all our dreams into production. We quickly got in touch with our partner clients. It was time for brands to develop a message of hope and solidarity. The world needed it; we did too. And although the resources were very limited, our ideas were becoming ever clearer.
Orbea was the first to give us the green light. So we began making videos for them, featuring their ambassadors and followers. They made the videos in their homes, we did the editing in ours. And we ended up offering content that brought back the confidence and hope we all needed so much.
Meanwhile, we started our own project we decided to call “Arrimar el Hombro” (Pitch In), featuring stories of people giving their all to fight the invisible enemy. Yes, the world is also full of good people. There is still hope.
.Finally, we prepared a campaign for the long-awaited end of lockdown together with Nike Running. We were all looking forward to going for a run, and we knew the day might come soon. And it arrived. So we created the “Lockdown: Star line” project to celebrate our new freedom with a new starting line
A new chance to start from scratch – to do even better.