RestArts Studio by Horacio Cabilla

new age restarts


Nine years have passed since RestArts began as an audiovisual production company. Nine years since Horacio Cabilla decided to change his life completely and start making his dream come true: thrilling people through a lens.

RestArts began as an audiovisual production company specialising in extreme sports and has kept this in its DNA throughout its history: from projects as hostile as the Dakar reconnaissance to climbing to the top of Kilimanjaro and visiting places like Jordan, the Sahara and Atacama deserts, Nepal, Tanzania, Mongolia and dozens of others.

Nothing has stopped us, nor do we want it to. Those who know us, know of our ability to adapt to any terrain; any project; any challenge. And that provides our fuel as an audiovisual production company: impossible challenges get our motor running. 

From audiovisual production company to creators of thrills. 

If there is one thing we have striven to do throughout our journey as an audiovisual production company, it is to understand you as a viewer; to measure your capacity for excitement. To understand that – to stay lodged in your memory – we need to tell an audiovisual story that makes you feel the excitement more closely than ever. We have an overwhelming need to make you feel what we are feeling through our camera.

A new era 

Today we begin a new era. And we begin this new stage with much greater maturity, experience and, above all, (if that’s possible) a much greater desire to enjoy the most extreme experiences we are offered. It’s a new era with what we consider as a big family, rather than a team. We’re not colleagues or co-workers. We’re people who share the same passion; the same lifestyle.


A crew to go with us to the end of the bloody world. A new start, with a new, more serious image. A more mature way of looking at things. A way of communicating everything we do in a more accessible way and a new website, where you will be able to find all the projects that have excited us throughout this time. 


If you don’t want to miss anything that’s coming up, follow us !

It will be extremely worthwhile.