RestArts Studio by Horacio Cabilla

event coverage

SAMLA, a new experience in event coverage

When RestArts began its journey as an audiovisual production company, event coverage took up most of our time and provided most of our experiences. Throughout our journey we have had the pleasure of covering major events, such as the Titan Desert, Patagonman Xtri, the Dakar Rally, and so on. We have made the most of these opportunities. 

The latest one, a few months ago, was Salma Qatar, a 60h ultradistance event combining different disciplines: running, mountain biking, swimming, kayaking and shooting. It’s an event for all tastes, but you need to be very, very well prepared, whether you’re a competitor or, as in our case, the team covering the event. 


Our goal during the 60h of the race was to miss absolutely nothing, from the first to cross the finish line to the last. All the competitors and everything that happened in that race were important. We organised ourselves in pairs to be able to cover most of the event and we sorted out a plan. But, as it happened, all our best intentions went out the window within the first hour. When covering events, it is important to have a plan to follow, but it is even more important to know how to adapt to changes and setbacks, because things will never go as you expect. 

And there we were, the whole RestArts team, back in the desert looking for the most inhospitable corner to take a half-hour nap so we could stay out there on the course. 

We have only words of gratitude for all the people who were part of the event, from the staff to the competitors and, above all, the organisers. We became very good friends and accumulated many hours of lost sleep.

Final video. 

RestArts Crew